Friday, July 19, 2024

yoga with emily

I'm on day 7 of Yoga With Adriene, which was recommended to me many years ago by the late great Duane Lavold, and more recently by a poised and vital 86 year old actress. The sessions are short and relatively 'easy' - if yoga can ever be considered easy.  (I find if I'm doing even the simplest poses to the best of my ability it's kind of hard.)

My interest was kindled after a weekend retreat at my sister's house, where we did two days of yoga and holotropic breathing. I don't want to be overly dramatic, but something foundational changed during that time.  I felt an openness that I hadn't experienced before.  And I wanted to bring whatever that feeling was - peace, acceptance, courage - into my life in a more regular and meaningful way.  So I determined to start up my own practice... But I didn't end up following through on it.  Life got in the way of my intentions as it often does. (Life seems to be endless cycles of discovering and forgetting and rediscovering - spirals leading us back around again and again, making slow progress, but leaving us with some kernel of understanding we didn't have before, if ever so small.) 

It wasn't until later that yoga was brought back to my consciousness by a friend mentioning it.  And so I decided to commit to this program for 30 days.  Adrien is sweet, the classes are pleasant, and doing 30 days seems manageable.  I'm not expecting a transformation, but  I trust the experience will benefit me mentally as well as physically.

No epiphanies yet.  But my body is sore (in a good way) and building some strength. And my impatient mind is starting to simmer down a bit. 

So far so good.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

It's been awhile...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

My book on The Dr. Oz Show

I appeared on The Dr. Oz show on May 25th to talk about my children's book, HOW TO TAME A MONSTER!!!! 

Here's the link:

Dr. Oz is promoting reading to your kids often and early, and supporting Books Across America with UPS.

Here's more info:

You can get my book on Amazon.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Author and educator Bonnie Harris is doing a free book giveaway with 'How to Tame a Monster'.

Go to her blog for more information:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What I've been up to...

My first children's book, HOW TO TAME A MONSTER, is out in print!

Buy HOW TO TAME A MONSTER now:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Books-A-MillionOutskirts Press

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Locks of love

 So proud of my sweet Jemima who donated her crowning glory to locks of love.




Wednesday, June 5, 2013


these little lights of mine

take 2...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

love song

Tonight I introduced my daughters to one of my all-time favorite songs. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

my singing girls

Friday, April 19, 2013

still dancing

-but never far from a book for long.

album cover

Charlotte's aunt Lemon calls her 'Charlo', which would be a great name for a band...   When she puts out an album this is the photo she should use for the cover.