Friday, January 28, 2011


It feels good to have my fingers on the keyboard for something other than electronically paying bills. Feels really good in fact. Not sure how it's feeling to whomever is reading this, but honestly that's not my concern right now. This is a selfish act and I am pretty okay about that. Sometimes I have to do things that just make me feel good. Kind of like sneaking a piece of chocolate, or turning into the drive-through of McDonalds to yell into the speaker, "Super size me with french fries and extra salt please!" then proceed to devour my ff's even before reaching the McDonalds exit.

I hate it when I find a dropped french fry in my seat later, or have to air out my car from the inevitably lingering 24 hour McDonald smell. But I still think it's worth it. you think it is a bad thing that when l call my local restaurant and order ff.'s with extra salt they automatically ask, " Will that be all today, Ellen?" I know what you are thinking...I asked today, and they don't have caller ID.

So today is officially a decadent day for me and feeling pretty great about it. Although I am a bit concerned about how the salt might adversely effect my keyboard.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not gonna criticize... In fact, I wouldn't mind some fries with extra salt right now!
