Tuesday, April 12, 2011

worried sick

Today I found out that my youngest daughter has been admitted to the hospital (in Ethiopia) for pneumonia. She's only 10 months old, and has had numerous respiratory problems already...

There are few things more threatening than not being able to help your child - even if you've only known that child for a short time. I spent the next several hours trying to find out what was really going on, and what (if anything) we could do. The splitting headache that followed was understandable - predictable, even. But when I started noticing swollen glands and that my ears were aching I began to wonder... And when the muscle aches and chills hit I finally decided to take my temperature.

Throughout the afternoon and evening Jemma was my nurse - fetching juice - which she proudly poured and carried herself - and heating pads, and even singing me to sleep. (Well, she was convinced I was asleep, anyway.) And Scott came home early and did all of the parenting bedtime duties on his own (including dinner, bath, and putting to bed.) I was pretty impressed with both of them.

Right now my temperature is just under 102. I took some Tylenol, so we'll see if that helps any. I guess this is what the expression 'worried sick' means...


  1. Emily -- I'm so sorry to hear that you and your baby are both unwell. I'll say a prayer for you both. Blessings-- Mandy
