Sunday, March 13, 2011

better late than...

Admittedly, I'm someone who catches onto trends relatively late (I started watching 'Friends' after they were already in re-runs - and apparently everyone on the planet has already seen the cat video from my previous post). But there are some things I don't want find out about too late...

Regarding health, there's often a major delay between when we're told certain things are 'safe' and the time that those very things are proven to be harmful (and sometimes fatal). So I take it with a grain of salt whenever I'm told not to worry about how something may or may not affect me.

More and more information is coming to light about ways we unknowingly contribute to our own ill health through regular exposure to things we've become so accustomed to we think we couldn't live without.

Here's a link if you'd like to find out a little about electromagnetic exposure.

And don't even get me started about genetically modified foods... Not to be paranoid, but I just don't believe people who, in the face of data to the contrary, try to tell me that something's 'safe'. Especially if they're making (A LOT) of money by selling that thing. Not interested in being a guinea pig in the 'before they knew' scenario, thank you very much.

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