Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Paying attention

Sometimes I feel bad when I don't pay full attention to my 4 year old daughter... And I know that you can't pay full attention at every moment - and, honestly, I don't think being 'zoned-out' while watching Barney is necessarily a bad thing...

But generally, I want to be more conscious in my interactions. I'd like to not be preoccupied about my plan for the day while I'm saying goodbye to my husband in the morning. I'd like to be more present in all of my exchanges, actually - which, I suppose, is what Zen is all about...

The amazing thing about being mindful is that - while it does take effort - it makes your experience - whatever it is -fuller, and usually more enjoyable. Which, I guess, is the point...

It also makes you a heck of a lot more pleasant to be around...

My sister, Lisa, has a friend named Sue - whom I often refer to as "my-sister's-best-friend-who-I-wish-were-my-best-friend." The thing I like best about her is the way that when she talks to you she's really with you - genuinely engaged in the conversation -not looking over your shoulder to see who else she might want to talk to, or making mental notes about how to re-arrange her closet ... She doesn't seem to be, anyway.

I'd like to be more like that...

1 comment:

  1. you've got me thinking about friends' "best-friends-I-wish-were-my-best-friends."

    and smiling. thanks.
