Thursday, December 16, 2010

morning conversations

Yesterday morning was our usual rush to get ready for school kind of thing. While I was throwing my hair up on top of my head I heard my 2 youngest daughters Brooke and Allie arguing about something. Their tone wasn’t the, “Oh my God I have a huge fight to dissipate”, but more the, “Oh yeah, here we go again with one of those annoying disagreements that only exists to annoy and irritate the other because it generates a reaction, kind of thing”. Realizing this, I was able to continue getting ready without serious concern World War 3 was about to erupt.

Most of the time these kind of “discussions” just go away without intervention, and sometimes they make their way to me. This one was the latter.

“Mom, Allie is saying God is a hermaphrodite!”

Geez, did I hear that right? Okay now they have my attention.

“Exactly how would God be a hermaphrodite, please tell me?”

Allie, with great conviction, came into my room to explain her case, “Well, you told me God has both energies, male and female, so that would make God a hermaphrodite.”

Yup, she has a point, I guess. I have always believed God has both male and female energy, especially if we were created in God’s image. So without sounding sacrilegious (my sincere apologies if I offend anyone with this), Allie’s statement could in some really odd way, be true.

It’s a weird analogy comparing God and a hermaphrodite, but what I’m thinking it represents mostly is Allie’s attempt to make God seem more like us humans by having male and female attributes.

Most of the time I am pretty hard on myself and I’m thinking I am not alone. So if God is somehow like us, maybe God is not so, well you know, perfect. And if God is not so perfect, then maybe it is okay that I am not either. I feel better.

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