Thursday, March 11, 2010

Holy cow!

Friends of mine recently asked me to serve as the officiant for their wedding. The one small obstacle to my saying 'yes' was that I'm wasn't a minister.

But apparently it's not that hard to become one... So I went online, and - voila - I'm "Reverend Smith." I can't say that it doesn't feel a little - okay, a lot - 'hokey.' (My mom had to take two years of classes before she became ordained. I think it took me a minute and a half to fill out my name and address, and that was it... I'm not sure how that makes sense, but there it is.)

Now I'm feeling a little nervous about the service... Not that I don't have plenty to say about marriage and commitment... I do. It's just that this is a serious occasion as well as a joyous one, and I want to treat it as such. And impersonating a minister feels like a silly (and vaguely disrespectful) start...

I suppose I don't need to have experience to do this. They haven't asked me to do heart surgery. (Thank goodness - I don't think I could have gotten my credentials for that online...) I have access to lots of great writing - and some great minds - and I'm sure that by the time I've organized my thoughts into some sort of coherence, I'll be ready...

At least I hope I will - because I don't know what the rules are about ruining a wedding. I'd hate to end up in Hell because I didn't read the fine print...

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