Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It seems I need to do a follow up on the post I did a couple of days ago about performing a wedding ceremony... Somebody said they weren't sure whether I was serious when I said I was worried that I might go to Hell if I messed up the service... Just to clarify: I was joking.

I am religious (if by 'religious' you mean whether I think this whole experience is first and foremost about spiritual development, loving each other, and God.) But I don't think God gives a hoot whether I mess up my friends' wedding. Or whether I curse or whether I go to church on Sunday... And I'm not saying that God doesn't 'care' what we do... I just think he has a much broader view, and deeper understanding (of each of us and of the universe) than we can ever begin to comprehend.

Our choices matter - to us. And I think we'll have an easier time of it and probably be happier if we make better choices. (We'll probably have more friends, too.) But God's not looking at our lives from our limited perspectives - or with our critical eyes and individual agendas. He sees everything we do as part of a process. And He observes it through the lens of unconditional love.

So I'm not worried about going to Hell... Actually, I don't believe in it - not in the traditional sense, anyway. But that's a blog for another day....

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