Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remembrance of things past

Lemole Pharmacy (photo from video footage that was taken around 1940.)

This past weekend we went out to Staten Island to visit the place where my grandfather's pharmacy used to be...

It was recently turned into a restaurant, and when my cousin Lauren suggested we check it out I was a little hesitant. Let's just say that accepting change isn't one of my greatest strengths...

I felt a little emotional walking in, because it seemed like I should be going into the pharmacy - the door is set at an angle, and has a very specific and unique quality to it... But once we were inside there was very little to remind me of the place I used to know. The windows were in the same place, obviously - and for the decor they had used a patterned ceiling reminiscent of the gorgeous tin that was one of my favorite features of the drug store. But apart from that - nothing... They had re-configured the space entirely, so that it was completely transformed.

I was able to enjoy my meal without dissolving into a blubbering mess... without even coming close. It was just lunch in a new place. We had a nice time, and the food was good. And we brought cannoli back for my dad.

In a way it feels as though we went to the wrong place. And somehow the memory of Lemole Pharmacy is untouched... I know it's not there anymore. But part of me secretly feels like it is...

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