Tuesday, October 12, 2010

bang bang

I've always hated bangs... Maybe that's because when I was a kid mine were always too short. My mother wanted them above my eyebrows... Way above. (I remember trying to trick the barber by raising my eyebrows while my bangs were being cut, but I think that probably just made them more crooked than usual.)

So when my daughter's hair grew in - she was essentially bald when she was born- I grew out her bangs as soon as I could.

But Jemma can't stand wearing barrettes. Or hairbands. Or elastics. If I put something in her hair she takes it out after about three minutes. She's just not a hair combed and coiffed kind of girl...

I think her wild-looking hair suits her. But then, I may just think that because I like not having to 'do' her hair... (I don't even brush my own...) But having your hair in your face can be a hindrance. Especially if you're in preschool trying to work on art projects...

Jemma doesn't seem to mind it, but I'm sure her teachers have some opinions on the subject.

So I decided to cut Jemma's bangs. (After-all, she's not the one who hates them.) I figured it would make her life easier - she'd be able to see, and she wouldn't have to keep saying, "no thank you" every time I offered to pull her hair back.

And they look great on her - in spite of the fact that she's got curly hair - which sometimes just doesn't work with bangs... (Granted, I'm biased. I think Jemma looks cute in anything - even poison ivy.)

In fact, I'm feeling a little jealous. If I didn't look so terrible in bangs they'd be the perfect solution to the lines on my forehead.... For now I'll just enjoy Jemma's.

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