Friday, October 1, 2010

cough, cough

I know being sick isn't much of an excuse for not posting... but there it is. I've had a miserable cough for the past three weeks, and whatever it is just decided to kick in with a fever, headache and chills... so I figure not posting is a kindness (who knows what delirious things I might write in my condition?)

I wasn't feeling too sick to go out and see a movie last night, however. And I'll recommend it - even though as a general rule I hate documentaries. (This makes my husband laugh, because some of my very favorite films have been documentaries... I think I just have a mental block with them. I really really really don't want to go see them, and then - if they're good - I'm really glad I went. Kind of like yoga, that way.)

Check out Waiting for 'Superman' if you have a chance. It's good... informative and interesting. A little depressing, too - because it very clearly describes the situation in public schools in the US, and isolates the problem - but unfortunately it's not a something you can fix (even by raising enough money...)

I'd like to open a can of 'whoop-ass' on the president of the teachers' union. Maybe that would help...

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